

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day One on Hospital Bed Rest

Day 1 (May 22)
It has been a rough day. Bryce took four hours off this morning to bring me to my appointment to check to see if I have had any changes. Not only were there changes, but changes that even I could visibly see on the sonogram screen. I knew right then that it meant hospital bed rest for sure. So it began with the sonogram, a meeting with the doctor and then straight across the street where I was placed in a temporary room until a room was cleaned from me. Another woman had her baby and was moved to a different area so I got her room. Her old home as I like to call it. Because for all intents and purposes, this is my home for the next unforeseeable future. Either until I have the baby or until 36 or 37 weeks if we make it that long. I was given Procardia, which made me sick, then some Zophran for the nausea and ... well you know. Bryce, my husband had come back after going to work to bring our son up to see me and during that time I noticed why I had been itching. I had broken out with big red welts on my arms. I called the nurse and she checked my vitals, called my doctor and I was given Benadryl. Turns out, I am allergic to the Procardia and out the window went part of the plan to keep baby cooking. My husband and my son had gone home and that wasn't easy knowing that my son wouldn't understand why I was staying in the hospital. My food for dinner came and I ate pretty much all of that and pretty quickly fell asleep. I slept less than 4 hours and I am wide awake... I began to feel broken, depressed and I fought myself to not cry. So I got up and wrote myself a note. “A day on bed rest is a day spent outside of the NICU! You Can Do This!” It is entirely too quiet here as it should be, but I think it's time I get that Ambien I put off earlier since I was falling asleep. As it turns out my post did not save a few days ago, so thankfully I had it saved to a word file.

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